10 Artists Virtual Exhibtion – Chapter 1
In 2020 Western Downs Arts commisioned Ortelia to publish the inaugural ’10 Artisits’ virtual exhibition. As a direct result of the COVID pandemic and subsequent lockdowns the exhibtion could not be held in a physical space.
The 10 Artists exhibition ‘showcases artisits living and working within the Western Downs through video, images, profiles and artworks.’
10 Artists – Chapter 1 – Click the image to visit the virtual exhibtion
10 Artists Virtual Exhibtion – Chapter 2
In 2021 on the back of the success of the inaugural ‘10 Artisits‘ virtual exhibition the ‘10 Artists: Chapter Two‘ virtual exhibition was released.
In the words of the Curator – ‘Growing from the intial response to support artists amid the global pandemic and it;s adverse effect on arts communities the world over, the project has come to stand on its own merit and become a much anticipated promotion of the region’s creatives.‘
10 Artists – Chapter 2 – Click the image to visit the virtual exhibtion