3D Content Creation and Audience Engagement Applications
As an exclusively GLAM sector company our understanding of the needs and constraints of the sector is unmatched. Our mission – To deliver innovative and robust digital technologies for you to engage your audience and work easier.

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Content Creation
We are experts in content creation. We can convert your artworks to 3D digital objects for use in Ortelia Curator, interactive applications, and the web. With over 15 years of collective experience in 3D content creation and over 1500 3D objects created for our clients you can count on accurate, light-weight 3D models ready for the web.

Online interactive 3D Virtual Exhibitions are a powerful way to extend your reach and engage audiences in-house and at home. Ortelia Curator users can have their exhibition design files easily converted to an online interactive 3D virtual exhibition which can be hosted on their own site or by us. If you would prefer, we can also put together your virtual exhibition from supplied files and plans. Virtual exhibitions can contain 3D and 2D objects as well as video and audio. Talk to us about how we can help you bring your collections online in innovative and engaging ways.

We specialise in the 3D modelling of real and virtual spaces. This can include heritage buildings, gallery and museum spaces or significant sites. We can model your spaces in high detail and accuracy. Historic venues may wish to show their patrons a view of the venue in previous incarnations. Modelled spaces can be published to the web as interactive 3D virtual as walk-through or used as spaces for other interactive activities. Talk to us about your needs.

Ortelia can create fully-detailed and web compliant interactive models of your gallery or museum spaces. Model your venue virtually to reuse it for each new exhibition that is shown in this space. Offer guided tours of the venue as well as the option for your audience to explore the gallery or museum by themselves. Create exhibitions from your back-of-house collections or create a permanent online interactive archive of your current exhibition. Our applications provide museums and galleries a means of reaching in to the ‘Living Rooms’ of their audiences.

We are experts in creating both Desktop and Headset VR applications. If you have a specific project in mind, talk to us about how we can help make it a reality.