Adding an External gallery to the Gallery List

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Saving your Gallery for use in Ortelia Curator

Ortelia Curator automatically saves both your Gallery files (.ocs) and your Exhibition files (.exh) to default locations. Save your gallery by going to the ‘File‘ menu and selecting ‘Save‘. If it is the first time you are saving your gallery it will be saved to the default ‘Galleries’ folder and will be available for use in Ortelia Curator. The Galleries default folder is located in the following location.

  1. C:\Users\Your Username\Documents\Ortelia\Curator\Spaces – Windows
  2. Users/Username/Documents/Ortelia/Curator/Spaces – Macintosh

The Exhibition files (.exh) default folder is located in the following location.

  1. C:\Users\Your Username\Documents\Ortelia\Curator\ – Windows
  2. Users/Username/Documents/Ortelia/Curator/ – Macintosh

You can choose ‘Save As‘ and navigate to the folder where you want to save you design file.

Copying an a Space file to the Default Location

There may be instances where you need to add your gallery to the list of saved galleries in Ortelia Curator for future use. This would be the case if you saved your gallery to somewhere other than the default ‘Galleries’ folder. The following steps will guide you through the process.

  1. Locate the gallery file you would like to add. The extension will be .ocs, for example, MyGallery.ocs.
  2. You need to copy this gallery file to the Ortelia Curator ‘Spaces‘. Typically, this will be:
    1. C:\Users\Your Username\Documents\Ortelia\Curator\Spaces – Windows
    2. Users/Username/Documents/Ortelia/Curator/Spaces – Macintosh

The next time you start Ortelia Curator your gallery will appear in the list.

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