The Ortelia Curator Design Panels – Overview

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The Design Panel Overview

The Design panel is where all artworks and design functions are accessed and organised. The panel can be expanded and hidden by clicking the panel tab.The ‘Design’ panel is divided into six individual tabs that allow access to categorised functionality.  These are :

2D Artwork Tools for importing, editing and placing 2D artworks
Frames Tools for framing 2D artwork
3D Artwork Tools for importing, editing and placing 3D artworks
Media Art Tools for importing and placing video and sound files
Plinths Tools for creating and placing Plinths
Didactics Tools for creating and editing information panels
Lights Tools for creating, placing and modifying lights
Gallery Tools for painting walls, setting hanging lines, taking measurements, adding notes etc.


2D Artwork Tab

The 2D artwork tab allows users to import and place 2D artwork in the gallery space.

Import Import a single 2D (single image) artwork
Import Folder Import a folder of artworks (multiple images)
Delete Delete an artwork from the list
Place Place an artwork on a wall or surface
Edit Crop an artwork image
Remove Remove a selected artwork from the current exhibition
Goto Jump to a selected artwork in the gallery by selecting it from the ‘Artworks’ list
Width Set the width (in mm) of the image selected in the list
Height Set the height  (in mm) of the image selected in the list

3D Artwork Tab

The 3D artwork tab allows users to import and place 3D artwork in the gallery.

 Import 3D Import a 3D artwork (Collada .dae format)
Import Sprite Import an image to use as a billboard in place of a 3D artwork
Delete Delete a 3D artwork or sprite from the ‘Artworks’ list
Place Place a 3D artwork or sprite on a surface
Remove Remove a 3D artwork or sprite from an exhibition
Goto Jump to a selected 3D artwork in the gallery by selecting it from the ‘artworks’ list
Edit Edit a sprite
Orientation Set the orientation of the selected 3D artwork
Scale Change the scale of the selected 3D artwork or sprite

Media Art Tab

The Media Art tab allows users to import and place video and sound.

Place Place a Projector, Monitor, Television, or Speaker in the gallery
Remove Remove a Projector, Monitor, Television, or Speaker from the gallery
GoTo Jump to a selected video or sound in the gallery by selecting it from the ‘artworks’ list
Aim Aim the projected video at a surface
Type Select from the available display devices such as Television, Computer Monitor, Projection, or speaker
Aspect Set the Aspect ratio of a television, computer monitor or projection
size Set the size of the television screen or monitor
Volume Adjust the volume of the video or sound
Angle Set the throw angle of a projection
Orientation Set the Orientation of a projection or Television screen
Artworks List of imported video and sound files
Sound Sources List of sound sources (Speakers) currently in the design.
Import Import a video or sound file
Delete Delete a selected video or sound file from the artworks

Plinths Tab

Place Place a Plinth in the gallery space
Remove Remove a Plinth in the gallery space
Goto Jump to a selected plinth in the gallery by selecting it from the ‘Plinths’ list
L, W, H. Set the Length, Width and Height of the Plinth
Orientation Rotate the plinth about a 360° axis
Save/Flood Save a Plinth colour and paint all plinths in the gallery with the same colour
Plinths List The list of Plinths in the exhibition
Create Plinth Create a new Plinth
Delete Delete a Plinth from the list

Didactics Tab

The Didactics tab allows users to create, edit and delete information panels

New Create a new information panel
Delete Delete a selected information panel from the list
Replace Image Add a user loaded image to the panel
Remove Image Removed a user loaded image from the panel
Import Folder Import a folder of images as information panels
Place Place a didactic panel on a surface
Edit Edit an existing information panel
Remove Remove a information panel from the exhibition
GoTo Jump to a selected didactic panel in the gallery by selecting it from the ‘Didactic Panels’ list
Width Set the width (in mm) of the selected information panel
Height Set the height (in mm) of the selected information panel

Gallery Tab

The Gallery tab gives users access to a variety of functions such as wall painting, notations and measurements

Time of Day Set the time of day to test shadow and light effects
Eye Line Turn Eye Line (Hanging height)  on/off
Snap Snap artworks to the Eye Line when placing artworks
Height Set the Eye Line height from the base of the hanging surface (e.g. wall)
Wall ID Turn wall ID’s on and off
Colour Select a colour to paint the wall
Save Save the current wall colour
Flood Paint all the walls in the space with the saved colour
Elevation Generate elevations of a wall with artwork information
Measurements: Create/Delete Create and delete a distance measure
Notations: create Create a notation to place in the environment

Lights Tab

The Lighting tab provides access to a variety of advanced lighting functions

Create Create a new light
Place Place a light on a surface
Aim Aim the selected light
Delete Delete the selected light
Type Select the light type
Angle Set the cone angle of the selected light
Intensity Set the intensity (brightness) of the selected light
Focus Set the focus of the selected light
Rotation Rotate the selected light on its Z axis
Save Save the selected light colour
Flood Flood all the lights in the exhibition with the selected colour
Light Colour Select the light colour
Ambient Set the level of ambient light in the gallery
Shutters/Barn Doors Change which shutter to modify
Position Position shutters
Rotation Rotate barn-door shutters

Frames Tab

The Frames tab allows users to frame artwork with a variety of framing options.

Frame Frames the selected 2D artwork
Width Sets the width of the frame
Inner Set the inner width of the backing panel
Frame Colour Select the colour of the frame and backing panel
Save Save the selected colour
Flood Paint all frames the saved colour
Colour Value Manually enter the colour value in Hex code

Next The Ortelia Curator User Interface – Overview
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