She is a professor of theatre at the University of Queensland and Research Coordinator at Ortelia.
Tompkins, Joanne, and Lazaros Kastanis. “Staging Supernatural Creatures in a Computer-based Visualization of London’s Sixteenth-Century Rose Theatre.” International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, forthcoming 2017.
Tompkins, Joanne. Chapter Five in my book, Theatre’s Heterotopias: Space and the Analysis of Performance. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. This chapter deals with the digital, using Ortelia as one of three examples to map space.
Tompkins, Joanne. “Making the Invisible Visible: Virtual Stage Props and Christopher Marlowe’s Dr Faustus.” Performing Objects and Theatrical Things. Ed Marlis Schweitzer and Joanne Zerdy. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
Delbridge, Matthew, and Joanne Tompkins. “Reproduction, Mediation, and Experience: Virtual Reality, Motion Capture and Early Modern Theatre.” SPACE–EVENT–AGENCY–EXPERIENCE. Open Access E-Publication of the DREX Project. Ed. Teemu Pavolainen and Riku Roihankorpi. Tampere, Finland. 2012.
Tompkins, Joanne, and Matthew Delbridge. “Using Virtual Reality Modelling In Cultural Management, Archiving And Research.” EVA London 2009: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts. [refereed] Conference Proceedings. Ed. Alan Seal, Suzanne Keene, Jonathan Bowen. London: British Computing Society. July 2009. 260-269.