Digital Applications for the GLAM sector: Part 2 – Content Creation
This post is all about creating 3D digital content for your GLAM application. The post will cover: Part 1 - Define the need Part 2 - Identify the content Part 3 - Converting your content to 3D Part 1 - Define the NeedArguably the most important, and at times, most...

Ortelia Curator Online Exhibition Publishing Service
Ortelia offers a web publication service for new and existing users of Ortelia Curator. We convert your Ortelia Curator exhibition design files to an online interactive 3D exhibition that can be embedded in your own web page. This service offers a rapid way to...

Ortelia Curator Update – March 2020
Ortelia Curator 2020 Change log - 20/03/2020 Below is the latest Ortelia Curator 2020 change log for March 2020. Improved graphics when using the "High" graphics setting available in the settings menu. Linked didactic panels are now removed when removing artworks if...

Museums Galleries and COVID-19
This morning I sat down and ran a simple search across a number of search engines. My search term was, ‘museums and galleries impact of coronavirus’. I restricted my search to the past month only. Here are just some of the results that came back. New York’s Museums...

Ortelia Curator 2020 – New Features
Ortelia Curator 2020 Feature list - 18/02/2020 With the release of Ortelia 2020 comes a host of new features and enhancements. These are: A brand new development platform that lets us develop and add new features and enhancements. A Wizard system to help first-timers...

Ortelia Curator 2020 Released!
Ortelia is pleased to announce the release of Ortelia Curator 2020 exhibition design software subscription service Ortelia Curator exhibition design software has now moved to a subscription model. Ortelia Curator PRO and Normal have been reborn as ‘Ortelia Curator...
Ortelia Curator 2020 Now Available!
Ortelia Curator 2020 Subscription! Why? As you aware from the title of this post we are moving Ortelia Curator exhibition design software to a subscription model. Ortelia Curator PRO and Normal will be reborn as 'Ortelia Curator 2020'. 'Why are you doing this and what...

Digital Applications for the GLAM sector: Part 1
Creating a digital applications for the GLAM sector is often viewed as expensive, difficult, and fraught with challenges. Many cultural heritage organisations lack the resources required to undertake such projects but it is not as difficult, or expensive, as generally...
Ortelia Curator 1.6.1 Update
We are pleased to announce that Ortelia Curator 1.61 update is now available for download. This update addresses issues with Mac Retina displays and adds new performance enhancements. Version 1.61 changes: Ability to change resolution Ability to change UI Scale Added...
Ortelia Curator 1.6 Update
We are pleased to announce that Ortelia Curator 1.6 update is now available for download. This update is another big one in terms of functionality and performance improvements. Version 1.6 a big leap forward in functionality and performance. In this version the...